Thank yous
First and most important thank you to Harry the GM for inspiring me to make a game in the first place.
Playtesters. Without your help, this game would suck.
- Becky
- Bekah
- Ben
- Chris
- Dan
- Danny
- Harry
- John
- Josh
- Lydia
- Martin
- Matti
- Moses
- Patrick
- Priyatham
and a special thanks for their genius in coming up with a new barrel roll rule:
- Dylon
- Kirk
- Lila
a major thank you for their immediate help on release with getting the rules more readable, adding the Hex Grid rules and the d6 rules:
- Pelle
a thank you on the visual learners:
- Adam
for the awesome stat tracking designs, still available within the v1 folders:
- Greg
and for the important fix of making sure the game met Open Source requirements:
- avamk
- penyuan
- TechnologyClassroom
and for their awesome contributions to making an awesome printable box:
- Amnos
- Flo
and for STICKERS:
- mevdev
and for the Push the Envelope rules:
- asmialek
and for teaching me that all these special manoeuvres have names
- Ben
and for finding Split S so that what the rules do in game match what real life planes can do!
- Josh
and for a lot of inspiration on the Bimber expansion
- u/ReasonablyCreamy
Future features
- Coop objectives & campaigns
- Large scale battle rules (10+ ships per team)
- Assets & instructions for playmats
- Printable assets for 3D models on blank bases
- More accessible components for less able players
This game was inspired by X-Wing TMG and Wings of War. The motivation for creating Squadron Leader was not as a replacement to either of these, rather as a alternative, when time, space and people who don't want to learn complex games are a factor when trying to get your gaming fix.
How it started:
How it's going: