Advanced Manoeuvres

For players already familiar with the core rules or those seeking to become world-famous fighter pilots, the following advanced manoeuvres provide additional tactical options:

Note: Manoeuvres that cost altitude cannot be performed in the same round that the player has gained altitude.

Barrel Roll

This manoeuvre seperates the timid from the bold!

Cost: manoeuvrabilty icon cost doubled

Action: Don't rotate plane after manoeuvre


Dive Bomb

Reward hyper-aggresive tactics with this risky manoeuvre!

Requirement: Perform an attack against a plane within range 1 that has less altitude

Cost: Reduce altitude to match defender

Action: Roll a d6:


Not to be confused with Divebomb, the homicidal Decepticon.


Few pilots ever pull this manoeuvre off.

Requirement: Eliminate opponent while you have no altitude tokens

Action: Gain 4 altitude, perform a straight manoeuvre and rotate plane 180°


Push the Envelope

This manoeuvre rewards daring pilots who are willing to test the limits of the aircraft by going faster and higher than it should be possible!

A player may push the envelope during the manoeuvre stage and roll a d6:

Requirement: Execute during Manoeuvre stage, once per round

Action: Roll a d6:


More Info

All the manoeuvres are informed by real life actual plane stuff!

Printable Rulebook

No not that sort of printing, _actual_ printing with paper and everything!

If you want a quick reference to the rules that fits in the printable (3D this time) box, then you can donwload the PDF from here, or go to the folder that website comes from if you want to make a change.

This bifold book contains the basic rules and a quick reference to the advanced manoeuvres.